About issuegrid.com
Do you vote? Do you vote confidently?

In the months leading up to an election, the media is loud and constant but superficial and tainted with opinion. The American public is overwhelmed by hearsay and out-of-context sound bites. Sometimes, it can be difficult to distill a true sense of who the candidates really are, what distinguishes one from the next, and where they stand on important issues.

How do Ron Paul and Rick Perry differ on the issue of gun control? How do Rick Santorum and Jon Hunstman differ on the issue of our wars abroad? How do Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain differ on the issue of the environment?

The average American doesn't know. Yet, on Election Day, they are supposed to vote?

Most people end up voting for a candidate based on superficial impressions. They vote for who they FEEL would be a good president without doing the real research. Even worse, some people just vote for political party they're SUPPOSED to vote for without learning about the candidates themselves.

issuegrid.com is an attempt to clearly and objectively present the opinions of each presidential candidate on the issues, to "educate" your vote, so that you can more confidently choose the candidate who best represents you.

In the grid, you'll see summaries for each of the candidates' current positions. Click on them to read more and see sources.

This site a public service for which nobody gets paid.
Who does the research?
A team of moderators surfs the web to collect the latest information. A moderator is assigned to a specific issue so that they can focus on topics of interest to them and offer the full range of opinions on that topic from all of the candidates. Here are the moderators:

Abortion: Josh C., Sam W.
Civil Rights: Sam W., Zach C.
Crime/Death Penalty: Laura B., Sam W.
Defense/Homeland Security: Laura B., Sam W.
Drugs: Sam W.
Education: Sissi O.
Energy/Oil: Chris C., Josh C.
Gun Control: Chris C., Laura B., Sam W.
Immigration: Jamil A.
Religion: Josh C., Sam W.
Tax Reform: Laura B.

Want to help?
Who made this site?
My name is Jeff. I'm a web developer. I made this site because I'm tired of being bombarded by the media with bits and pieces about the presidential candidates without getting a clear picture of who they really are and what they really think. It occurred to me that there is a disconnect between what the average American citizen knows about the candidates and the obligation to make an educated vote on Election Day. This site is an attempt to bridge that gap.

I recruited some friends to help with the research and keep things updated.

Full disclosure: I am Canadian, and I can't vote.